Thursday 28 July 2011


Well, I've noticed that I talk to much, so I though for once I'll let the pictures do the talking, and tell you of some of the things I've been up to :)

"Two lovers born to share their fate,
One born of love, one born of hate"
- cheesy, eh ;)

So, this is a mini sketch book, and drawings of the two main characters in my little story I was talking about before - I don't know why I drew them, I only really wrote that story over two days and I stopped writing before the two main characters had even met, but I decided to kinda bring them together on the page I guess haha!! As you can pretty much tell from the drawings, they're basically crossed over versions from all of my favourite stories and therefore all my favourite heroes and heroines - see how they look a little like Edward and Bella, but a little like Christine and Phantom? Incase you're wondering, the guy has no eyes - hence all the dark shading - they were burnt out, gruesome, eh ;) Anyway, if I ever do get around to letting these two characters meet, I'll do some new drawings :P

So, the above is a picture of a pretty purple flower that I took for an art project I'm about to start, in which I need to have 10 photographs and 10 drawings based on a theme. Due to my obsession with hidden beauty, I thought I'd do something along those lines - I spent ages looking up quotes and definitions on what other artists class as "beautiful", and then went and frolicked in the garden with my camera ;) Why this flower? I think it's just the fact that's it's IMperfect - it's not exactly right, some of the petals are torn and frayed, it's a little off centre, the balance of the petals is a little wrong - but I still think it's beautiful. Perhaps I'm just a little bit weird, but I think it's in the fragility of it, and the subtly of the colour - I just love it :) It's perfect in it's own right for what it is - in it's simplicity :)

Ahh come on, you knew it was coming!! This is the magnificent actor Tam Mutu, who's been playing Phantom in Love Never Dies recently in the place of my beloved Ramin Karimloo - I've now seen the play 6 times and I'm going to the final show - and possibly another time inbetween with my brothers. Honestly since the very first time I watched it last year in March, it's taken me through some of the most incredibble times of my life, it's been like the theme music of my happiest and saddest year and I'm so greatful to it - it's always been there to show me what's most important. Besides the whole soppiness of it, it really is a magnificent show. The colour, the lights, the effects - it's all increddible, and the MUSIC is second to none. I could listen to "Til I hear you Sing" ten times over in that theatre and be sitting on the edge of my seat the entire time - it's completly thrilling for me!! A little embarassing, but I really do love it, it'll be sad to see it go :(

And there you go! Besides that, it's been a lot of cinema trips with my lovely friend Katie, and trips around the shops with my family. No holidays or anything, I just don't think the family could handle that right now, and one more month left until I go on to Bournemouth! Wish me luck..

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