Monday 4 July 2011


We actually have a copy of this painting at our house..
To those of you who've read my blogs on a fairly regular basis will know I've been quiet for quite a while for me. That's because over the last couple of days in particular, I've actually written many blogs, and deemed them all "unsuitable" to actually go ahead and post.

You see, the reason I made this blog is written in my first post - because I wanted somewhere I could post my thoughts and feelings etc etc... however by then posting some of my blogs on facebook I really didn't help matters, because of course loads of my friends and family read this and therefore I can't really share any genuine feelings at all.

So, nothing on my mind can really be shared here. So what will I talk about? Who knows. All I can say is I'm not in the best of places right now and I have too much to say, therefore I won't be saying anything at all. I'll probably come back to writing blogs when I'm a little cheerier, in what I hope to be the near future!

I think I'm going to try and do some more painting, thought I seem to be lacking motivation at the moment, I can't seem to concentrate on anything at all really - so wish me luck! I'll see you soon. xx

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