Sunday 5 June 2011



Well, I haven't written for a whole 3 days and God only knows I can never stay quiet for that long, so I thought I'd write about a post I've just read, from a friend. It's just reminded me all too much of the happiness I feel now... well, it'll come to an end soon enough. It's the way the world works I'm affraid, whatever you want to call it - kharma, "the secret"... I call it balance.

 Though it might sound silly, I believe that there's a certain amount of balance in life, of highs and lows, good and evil and light and dark - you can't have one without the other. Now try as we may, no matter how good we are or how hard we try, there will always be times when we look at ourselves and think "Why me?"

We often find ourselves in a position where we think what on earth am I going to do next. The beautiful thing about that is, we don't know, and we won't know until that chance comes along - but the important thing is that when the chance DOES come along - we have to take it. We can't wallow, as much as it feels like it's all we have, we have to accept that there's more and it'll get even better.

I remember a time I used to force myself to remember insignificant details just because I didn't want to lose what were some of the happiest moments of my life in a time that seemed hopeless. Now I have whole new album of bigger, brighter and more colourful pretty little memories in my book of happy times - and they haven't erased the others, of course not, but what's important is that I moved on, I developed, and I grew as a person. And what's more from these new "happy experiences"... I like to think I helped him "grow as a person" too. Maybe just a little bit ;)

But I try not to be too upset that we have to move on this time. I feel this time as we move on, we move on as equals, and though perhaps we won't see eachother for years to come, I know we'll stay in touch. I'll never lose what I've had and I'll never regret it - And just think... If the times I've had seem so perfect and wonderful for me now... think of what incomparable times I must have yet to come!

So, to "The girl who sees beauty in negative things"... just remember, no matter how dark things may seem, there's always a light to balance it out - just try not to miss the guy holding the candle :P

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