Thursday 23 June 2011

Standing on the edge,

I'm feeling the need to write something as I've now finnished my exams and I'm feeling an extreme lack of purpose as I haven't really made any plans yet! - I'll do my best ;)

It's a strange feeling, the end. I mean it's not QUITE the end of school yet, but it IS the end of exams for me as I'll be going on to do an Art Foundation - no more written papers for me!

But instead of feeling like I have the whole summer of freedom ahead of me, I feel... strange. I guess the only way I can describe it is it's as if I'm standing on the edge of a very very very tall cliff looking down at the water beneath me... yes, it's exciting, exhilirating - but just as frightenning.  And the way I see it is - I have two choices in such a situation: I could fall... Or I could jump.

And I come to the conclusion, it's probably a little more pro-active if I jump - jump at chances, jump at opportunities, get out there and do something... However, I'm currently having a(nother) PJ day, that can wait a little longer ;)

"Should I choose the smoothest course
Steady as the beating drum?
Should I marry Kocoum?
Is all my dreaming at an end?
Or do you still wait for me, dream-giver,
Just around the river bend? "


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