Thursday 9 June 2011


I haven't written in a while. Infact I've been sort of quiet lately - and contrary to popular belief it's not because I'm some sort of social recluse or in "orbit" round the family unit (I guess what she meant by that was "lost and alone") but I guess I've just been in a period of reflection.

"Who is that girl I see,
Staring straight back at me,
Why is my reflection someone I don't know?
Somehow I cannot hide,
Who I am - though I've tried
When will my reflection show,
Who I am inside?"
Reflection - Mulan

Reflection is one of those things that fascinates me.

As with any of my little fascinations I have of course done an art project on it, but it's AWFUL so I won't post it ha! But someones reflection isn't always about what is shown in the mirror, but also what people see in themselves. (And for me, that's usually someone very pathetic and little - see the poem "1." ).

I've pretty much officially left LWC - I have to go back soon for exams but then that part of my life is over, and I'll have to say goodbye to many of my friends - one of which I've now already had to say my rather emotional goodbyes to - and I'm not ready for anymore yet.

ANYWAY the reason I bring up the leaving and the goodbyes is that we had to do something called a ""Leavers Book" - During this process I've read all sorts of lovely things about myself - thing's I'd never seen before, or things I'd always thought of as negative and they think it's admirable.

For example: I'm stubbourn. It doesn't matter if people don't understand why, if something matters to me for whatever reason I will not move an inch on the subject until I get my way, no matter how stupid I look in the process. I've always considerred that a bad quality to have in a person, cause it means I'm quite often dissapointed! But others call it a "Determination" to get "what's right".

So the long and short of it is, for Uni at least, I want to try and look at myself differently - stronger, more ready for anything life has to throw at me. I know I can do that - and on reflection, I'm not a weak as I used to be.

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