Thursday 2 June 2011

Bits and Pieces

I've finally thought of something I can use this blog for, besides my pointless ramblings that I know you love so much... sort of ;)

Well, once upon a time I was known by everyone (at least at school) for being "the happy one"- "the one that laughs a lot", "the one who doesn't get upset by anything"... well of course that's not true, and I doubt that's  true of anyone on this earth! And back then I didn't have a particularly "cool" image, but I had THAT image, so it's an image I felt I had to stick to. Without that I was just ... well, just Jenni!

So I used to write a lot of poetry - particularly short little poems. I don't know where a lot of it's gone but I saved some of it on my computer, some of it's really old and a bit all over the place, some of it was for school, some of it was just because I was bored I guess... But hope you enjoy it! xxx
(Be warned, some of them are a little heavy and weird, particularly in too deep and twinkling star... probably the sappiest things I've written in my life haha!)

In too deep

Water clear as strong and true,
Fall too deep, submerge in you.
Break the surface, fall again,
Whilst love torments, sensibility ends.

Gasp my last breath, heart stops beating-
As life as I know is ending; completing.
Broken again. A tear from my eye,
My heart beats again, and thus I die.

Tiny Twinkling Star (The last kiss) ... should really be two seperate ones but still!

Will my lips part and tremble, crush against his, soft and caring?
Will passion over come and cool heat rush through as I hold him?
Will the moment pass me by unnoticed; plain and lost in time?
Will immortal words hold feelings my fragile mind will soon put behind?
Does he dream of nights when suns are rising, when light diminishes little twinkling stars?
As they fade slowly into nothing, a new day begins, hence ends the night.
Must the night always end? Must the daylight glare upon its peaceful sleeping face?
For what is more precious? A thousand suns, or a tiny twinkling star?

Ta Fleur
I am no inspiration,
no flower in a field-
Simply one of many gentle blades,
Silently concealed
Amongst the hushing of the grasses
and the whispers of the wheat,
Swaying wistfully as tender winds
Blow coolly in the heat.

-this was part of a 4 piece poem which represented myself and my brother and sisters, i've lost the other three, but incase anyone was wondering, this one is me :)

She is a sweetly singing melody.
A romance novel,
telling tales of impossible,
Inevitable and irrevocable love.
She is the spring time,
Of new beginnings, fresh starts.
A dressing table hidden by make-up
Never worn.
A set of drawers, glitter,
Buttons and a miniature porcelain rabbit.
A thick woollen jumper
To hide from cold, or else the eyes
And whispers of others.
A paintbrush, stained with
Powder blue.
She is an aging, snow white mirror,
Reflecting a small child.

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