Saturday 25 June 2011

Something that scares you,

This post is about a card I received this morning from Teresa (a family friend) and I'm sure she'll read this at somepoint!! I just want to say thankyou first of all, it was such a sweet gesture and it means a lot that someone thinks so much of me! The card I was sent is shown to the right, and reads "Do one thing every day that cares you" - Eleanor Roosevelt.

And I hope she's not offended that I'm making this public but inside it read;

"Dear Jenni, I had this card because I love the sentiment - and honestly wish I was brave enough to live by it!! But I think of you, and your exams, and your courage and the honesty in your blogs and your growing up - and thought you may understand it :) Lots of Love, Teresa xxx"

So, naturally, I've been thinking about what that statement really means - and do I live by it? Well first of all - NO! Haha, I'm far too comfortable (well, I say that but being me I'm never comfortable with anything!) in my own little cozy world to do anything too outrageous, and any time I do attempt to do something that petrifies me I'm often crucified in the process - still, it's not like I'll ever REGRET those decisions - it's the big ones that usually have the most impact on your life, if you don't fight for things every now and again then.. well to be honest, what's the point?!

Now the funny thing about me is - I'd love to jump out of a plane for example, I think that'd be amazing - such an adventure! HOWEVER, I hate driving my car to peoples houses - expecially when there are other people in the car - because a.) I could kill them, b.) I could kill me, and c.) I might get lost, and if I get lost... well I'll probably hyperventilate or something ridiculous - perhaps I ought to gain a  little perspective! I'm a relativly competent driver but I've gained an awful repuation mainly because I don't drive a lot - I always try to avoid it, I hate that people comment on my driving, it drives me round the bend !! It's just like Jeeeeze LEAVE ME BE, I'll do it in my own time.. I'm just frightenned, that's all.

The problem is with the card I received is that as much as that'd be such an adventure, I litterally don't think I could cope with it - I have a pretty weak heart and so many things scare me and the panic does me no good - and for those of you reading who think I'm stress free, you're right - and that makes me even more stressy about me being stressed- you follow?

Perhaps I should try though? Really get out of my comfort zone.. I suppose it has to start sometime. I just wish things didn't all have to change so suddenly NOW, when I'm so so SO not ready for it.

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