Sunday 29 May 2011

Impossible love,

Well, firstly I'd like to say a big thankyou to the lovely Missy Bax who's been telling everyone about my blog haha, she's been very supportive of me and I thank her for that - if you want to read her blog, follow this link:

But now to the topic of today's ramblings... Impossible Love.

How cheesy, huh! Yes, I know, but it's something I've been thinking about a lot recently - but something I know all us ladies have a soft spot for ;)

After all, impossible love is our favourite love story, isn't it? Certainly is mine. It's always the two people who can't fall in love that you want to be together the most. And no, Phantom is NOT the only example (though of course it is one ;) ) But let's look at two other things I love (get ready for the internal groaning...)

Disney, and Twilight :P

Disney: When was there a couple who were SUPPOSED to fall in love that later did? Perhaps with the exception of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty - but those are a little sappy ;) The best love stories are the impossible ones, the one's that beat all odds and they push through to be together. Beauty and the Beast (a beautiful girl and a hideous monster), Aladdin (a street rat and a princess), The Little Mermaid (a mermaid and a prince), hell, even Shrek!!

And as for Twilight, I think we all know that Edward Cullen is hardly a "real" vampire as people enjoy telling me in desperate attempts to ruin my deep love for him :P (though let's be honest, "vampires" are fictional, there are no REAL vampires) But that's not the reason the girl's read the book. Girls read the book because though their situation seems impossible (I mean come on he's a freakin' vampire!), their love shines through, and they end up together, forever - the truest happy ending.

Go on, I dare you to find someone who doesn't want that!

So what is it about impossible love that makes us read on, what is it that makes it so compelling? I've touched on this idea before in terms of what I write, but I honestly believe it's one of the main flaws of humanity... we want what we can't have. And therefore naturally, if we can't have a person in our lives, well, it just makes us want them all the more.

So how to remedy the situation? Well, you can't for starters. Life isn't a fairytale (contrary to my frequent protests), and the majority of the time we can't have our way and take our Edward Cullens all for ourselves! There's a reason it's called fiction ;) What we have to accept is, we have to appreciate what we have, when we have it. If you want to experience unconditional, irrevocable, impossible love... I suggest you whip out a book!

Doesn't mean we can't dream though, eh ;) x

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