Sunday 8 May 2011

One day I'll fly away.

I know I already wrote today but I just thought of something and therefore why not write it down?

Well it's my background on this Blog, I've been thinking about it, what it is that made me pick it-  it's birds, and they're flying away.

Ever been asked, "If you could have any super power, what would it be?" ? I always say flying. I'm not particularly sure why, I think it's just the ultimate freedom - something I hoped I'd have when I learnt to drive, and since I've started driving sadly I haven't really felt free - thing is, I quite often wish I was free from myself - I do have a strange way of thinking, sometimes I wish I'd just give myself a break.

But flying... Mostly it comes in my dreams. I can think of two in particular, both equally as weird as the eachother if I'm honest, I'm sure dear old Freud'd have a field day! Here, see what you think :

1. I'm in a small, dark, circular room that appears to have no ceiling and continue on and on forever, and in that room, there's nothing but a mirror. I walk up to the mirror and at first I get scared, theres a little girl in the mirror, I turn around and there's no one there. The little girl smiles and waves, then kicks of the ground, I do the same, and then I'm flying round and round in circles, constantly higher and higher but never really getting anywhere, because I can't find the ceiling, and I can't find the door to get out again, so I just keep flying higher and higher.

2. I'm sitting on a haystack looking out and there's no one around me. I look out and all I can see is the ocean spreading out before me for miles around. It's really quite serene until I hear a shuffling noise to my left, and I turn to my side. There a small rabbit hole in the ground, and inside the rabbit hole there's a fish.

Now I'm not sure how much you know about Psychology but Freud had a theory: dreams had meaning, and to determine that meaning he'd use dream analysis. He also used to believe that most of the symbolism in dreams was strictly sexually based, but I'm gonna avoid that kind of interpretation as a.) that's highly unlikely, and b.) so unnecessary! But let me tell you what I think, feel free to disagree - I'm always interested in others interpreations.

Seems to me the first is very simple. The little girl in the mirror is clearly me and the reason she's so young is she's just a reflection on myself, my character, or at least the way I see myself. By her showing me to how to fly, but by me not getting anywhere in the process.. Well, I think it's sort of self explanatory, personally.

The second again, perhaps even more simple. There I sit staring out into a sea of possibility, but yet, so much freedom ahead of me - I still manage to feel like, and excuse the cliche, a "fish out of water". Flying in my case is all about escaping, entraptment, being free, and possibility. My life has always been so carefully looked after and controlled, I guess the thought of being out there alone in the future just... well, it frightens me.

But I'll leave you with this, some of my favourite quotes (oh, I do love my quotes :P) that look at flying;

"If you're a bird, I'm a bird".
- The Notebook.

"One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
What more could your love do for me
When will love be through with me
Why live life from dream to dream
And dread the day when dreaming ends"
- Moulin Rouge.

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