Tuesday 10 May 2011

Presents, gifts and pretty things.

I've been thinking... (run while you can!)

You know what, I've just had the strangest conversation with my Mum and my Grandma. They were argueing that boyfriends should make an effort to buy their girlfriends presents, gifts and pretty things every five minutes for their 3 day anniversary or whatever, and that it's an imbedded part of "male nature" to by girls little gifts as a token of their grattiude. I argued against it, stating I would far prefer to have less presents and more "special moments" or simply special words with another person, because lets face it - if someone buys you a present, you have to get one in return - and frankly I don't have the money ;)

This picture has little or no relevance... It's just really cute! :)

But the thing is... I TOTALLY disagree with everything I was saying. I've never been spoilt by my various past boyfriends, and I've always been increddibly jealous of those lucky girls who are. Though I do believe what we say should be important and the special moments are vital - jeeeeeze, it would have been nice to get decent presents !!

I've had two valentines days my entire life where I've actually been with someone. On the first I was with Clarky, but he asked me out that week so he didn't actually by me anything (on the other hand, Max DID buy me a single red rose, which leads me on too.....)

The second valentines day, Max got me a rose (which arrived dead) and thorntons chocolates, (my favourite are lindor... awesome) ... On the other hand I did get a very sweet card :)

Why do I write this? Certainly I don't mean to attack the ghosts of boyfriends past! I merely point out that yes, it would've been lovely to have been spoilt every once in a while, so be showered with gifts and praise - we'll have to see what boyfriend number 3 brings to the table ;)

(My next boyfriend.... *drools over Gerard Butler*)

However, I'd like to point out - I will never regret the choice's I've made in this particular area (though I'm hardly an expert)- I may not have got many presents but I've had plenty of smiles, and that's far more important.

"Learn from someone who knows,
Make sure you don't forget -
Love you misunderstand...
Is love that you'll.. Regret."

-Love Never Dies

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