Tuesday 17 May 2011

What is Beautiful?

There's been a recurring theme in conversation these past few days, and I've been thinking on the topic of... *Duh Duh Duuuhhhh!!!!!*

Ahhhhhhhhhhh disney :)
Does appearance matter?

First of all, if you're wondering, this came up yesterday when my brother was talking about his English GCSE paper, and the fact that at the end there is an arguement section. He was argueing AGAINST pack lunches, as he said encouraging pack lunches is encouraging children to eat too much bad food and therefore the children are likely to put on excess weight - a very fair point, well done :)

However, he then continued on a point I found both offensive and yet undeniable - He said this was likely to cause issues to the individual students as they would then find it impossible to make friends as being overweight deters people from approaching them. BASICALLY  - if your fat/ugly, people want to stay away from you. He also stated that he'd had no idea how plain some of the girls he knew were in the absence of makeup, and was actually suprised when he saw their true faces... I'll come back to that later...

Now I personally, think this is positivly awful.
(No offence to my brother, he speaks the truth... I just don't like the truth)

Of course I do, I'm a "fairytale dreamer" kinda gal! - but I like to believe that there's always more to every story, always something to discover - uncover - and most importantly, I believe in the Beauty Underneath.

You cannot claim to know someone until you've actually tried to speak to them! Appearance shouldn't mean anything at all when you meet someone, and yet you see it all around you, 24/7 - heck, even though I hate it so much, I know that even I do it!

Eradicating prejudice is impossible - you cannot "BAN" thoughts, but perhaps you can change the way in which people think?

My friend Kit once did an exceptional Prideaux looking at S.O.P.H.I.E (the Sophie Lancaster Foundation, read this to know more about it : http://www.sophielancasterfoundation.com/) Looking at the tragic death of a girl purely because of her looks. It's a disgusting part of human nature, but an undeniable part nonetheless.

(part of the promotional video that kit showed in his presentation, it's probably on the website, give it a watch)

What is a "good appearance"? What makes one persons appearance better than anothers? What is "beautiful"? So much depends on our culture, on our personal beliefs, on our experiences - but who is to say what should be "beautiful"?

But what really gets me, is insecurities - what it does to people. Take makeup for example.

A girl feels insecure, she covers a face in foundation. Someone tells her she looks nice, she puts on more. Eventually she becomes so insecure she can't leave the house, because people ONLY compliment her WITH the makeup. What happens next? One day, for whatever reason, she DOESN'T wear make-up - EVERYONE comments on how weird she looks - self esteem plummets, the cycle continues.

Take girl number two. Girl number two has always been insecure, but seeing girl number 2 has seen number 1 wearing makeup and getting an amazing reaction, so she does the same - and the cycle continues as above.

WHY!? They were probably both beautiful in the first place, and doubtedly "needed" it. There's a difference between making yourself presentable and plastering yourself - thought I'm not saying it's not okay to do it every once in a while. How do you resolve this issue?  You tell them how beautiful they are. It's not hard. When you know someone that well, it's easy to see the Beauty Underneath.

My quote :

"Love isn't always Beautiful..
Not at the start -
So open your arms,
And close your eyes tight -
Look with your heart,
And when it finds love,
You're heart will be right."

- Look With Your Heart,
Love Never Dies.

(Yes Ramin, I'm a little bit in love with you :P)

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with this.

    The whole prejudice thing is just ridiculous. I have done posts on this one as well just because I think it shows how ugly people can be.

    This was a very good post Missy Bailey :P x
