Monday 9 May 2011

The Wise Old One.

For those of you who know me quite well, you'll know I'm very close to my dear old Grandma :)
(Incase you're wondering, that's HER hat :P)

Appart from doing all my various Arty things with me like taking me to galleries, life drawing classes and bringing me magazines, she's a fellow phanatic (yes, I have spelt that right) of Phantom of the Opera and Love Never Dies - A wise old one indeed ;)

I'm thinking of her a lot right now because she'll be going to hospital tomorrow, and I'm hoping everything will work out just fine - As I'm sure of course that it will. I'm also thinking of her because I started my Art exam today, and she's my main subject :) I've always preferred to create portraits, I don't know what it is, I guess it's just that people fascinate me, you can tell so much about a person by the way they present themselves in a portrait. Sadly the portrait I'm creating of my Grandma isn't really a reflection on her character, I merely used her as a model to fit my criteria. Honestly, she's a lot more bubbly in person, as reflected in this very cool picture of us in Falmouth !! Haha :'D


So why "Wise Old One"? Well, having read my previous blog she sent me this, and this'll be my quote of the day;

"You won't fly anywhere until you give up weighing yourself down with negative stuff. Trust me Hun, I've been here a long time and I know whereof I speak - heed the words of the Wise Old One. (OK - perhaps not that wise, but definitely high mileage)" ;)

Love you Grandma, Good luck tomorrow xxxxx

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