Sunday 8 May 2011


Wow... An empty page.

I'm one of those people who just can't bare a blank page - perhaps its a character flaw, but if a page it empty, it needs to be filled. Similarly, if there's a silence, I'm the one that'll always be there making some random comment, usually an entirely irrelevant random comment, but a comment all the same.

So, you ask, why have I chosen to have a blog? Well, the answer is simple. Up until recently, whenever I got scared, angry, hurt etc etc, I would always talk to my best friend. HOWEVER, of course my best friend also happened to be my boyfriend, and sadly the sun has set on that particular part of my life. Of course we're still friends, but it's really not fair to load my feelings on him so much anymore. So where do all these thoughts go now? Well... here :)

Now, don't worry - I promise this won't be an entire blog filled with teenage angst and angry rants - though undoubtedly there will be some, I do love a good angry rant! But you see, the thing is with a girl like me, is what on earth do I have to be angry about? Do I have the right to be hurt, or sad? A girl who has everything, everything that anyone could have ever wanted - a big house, big family, fantastic school, incredible friends, artistic talents etc... What could I possibly want?


Of course, the only thing you can't buy would be the only thing that would truly matter to me. How very typical, ungreatful even. I guess its a flaw in the human anatomy - we always want more. And for the girl who has everything, "more" happens to be something immaterial and impossible in my position - well, for the moment at least. I often wonder if I was born in the wrong body, the wrong family, the wrong life. Perhaps I could've been born in someone else's life and had real problems and real things to worry about.

It's incredible though, those three words - "I love you" - They can make or break your entire world, make your heart stop or start, kill you or bring you to life. They're so simple, yet so powerful. Thery're said too much, and not enough. You can't live with it, and you can't live without it, and yet love ... it's undeniably beautiful.

"Love gives you pleasure and love brings you pain, but yet when both are gone, love will still remain." - Love Never Dies.

So that's what I search for, what I focus my life around - love. That and the beauty underneath. No one is what they seem and everyone wears a mask. Is this a bad thing? Of course not. It just gives us more to uncover, more to search for, more to love, and more to care about. Its that search which makes us wiser, more understanding and more sympathetic. If we were only to look for what was right infront of us, well, the world would be a very superficial place indeed ;)

Here's my first musing, and I'm sure there's plenty to come - so I'll leave you with a thought of mine. Life is a contradiction, a conflict and filled with hidden meaning; it's our place look for what's hidden, fight for what's important and take a look from a different perspective. xx


  1. Welcome to the blogging world :)

    Not gonna lie I love this one :) Tis a very good first post :)


  2. Haha, why thankyou rachel :P
    Can't figure out how the hell i'm supposed to follow you though! plus reading it bck I made so many mistakes, and I can't figure out how to edit it once it's posted -.- DOH!

  3. Jeweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    wuv oooo

  4. dude i can't follow youuuu :( ! x
